Overcoming the obstacles of remote training with Metaverse

by | 26 Jul 2022 | News

Through MetaMeeting, lessons can become opportunities for engagement,
that are not statics or boring, but interactive and dynamic.
Most Importantly, we can begin to remedy the difficulties of Remote Learning.


 For many young and old people, it was complex to relate to something as new as RL. Video Conferencing, which replaced traditional face-to-face teaching and work during the year of emergency, helped the continuation of work and non-work activities when the alternatives were risky for people, supporting the need for so-called “social distancing” and revealing a series of advantages and disadvantages for communication using remote devices.

According to international studies, more than 90% of students in the world have faced at least one interruption in the normal process of education and study due to the pandemic, but these are not just problems that we could define “technical”.

In fact, a whole series of terms have been coined to identify the relational and psychological problems with which the world’s population has had to come to terms, such as “zoom fatigue”, that feeling of exhaustion that more and more users are experiencing when faced with the prolonged communication and cooperation through remote tools, especially video calls.

Not only in video calls we strain our eyes, but also struggle to grasp the non-verbal aspects of communication since human communication has always been characterized by relationship, reciprocity and physicality, three aspect that we lose in front of 2D screen. Finally, there is an increase in the difficulty in keeping concentration and productivity high, also due to the lack of direct contact (59% of students complain of this according to some studies) and with the increase in distraction and difficulties in concentrating due to the home environment from which it is difficult to isolate oneself.

And this is exactly where the Metaverse comes in.

One of the main objectives of the virtual transformation of education, that is the implementation of virtual reality and the Metaverse in the processes and management of groups that we might say in the broadest sense of study, concerns first and foremost the acceptance of technological development as a tool that is able to help students and workers and improve their learning abilities.

Through Meta Meeting, lessons can become opportunities for engagement that are not static and boring, but interactive and dynamic. Above all, we can begin to remedy the difficulties mentioned above.

People can show off their imagination and bring into play the expression of their identity, for example through the creation of own avatar, sharing it with other user and generating increasingly complete interactions, no longer limited to 2D faces on a screen or social profiles, but enriched with gestures, expressiveness, spatiality.

The 3D environment is characterized by immersiveness and therefore obviously aids concentration also thanks to the choice of settings, colors, objects, and interaction tools that support the user in feeling at ease and in having an immersive experience.

In addition, the creation of ad hoc 3D setting, from the conference room to the fantasy scenario, as virtual locations of own sessions that can help calm and allow to isolate yourself, for example, from home environment in case learning takes place from home.

Furthermore, the Metaverse will support lessons and workshop sessions through digital twin and the immersive contextualization of videos, texts, 3D infographics and more.

The Metaverse, therefore, implies an additional step to what has been shown so far, a fully immersive experience that is able to engage and fascinate: training sessions, interactive lessons, exams, even graduations, up to the creation of completely innovation learning models.

The space of “meta-training” is all to be explored.


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